1、通过read -s实现
read -s是将输入内容隐形的一个方法,常用户密码输入等,类似ssh免密输入密码等,示例如下:
> cat /tmp/a.sh
read -s -p "Please input something: " STH
echo # 不echo一个空行,页面布局会变乱
echo "Your input is: $STH"
> sh /tmp/a.sh
Please input something:
Your input is: Liemer Lius # 加了echo之后另起一行
> cat /tmp/a.sh
read -s -p "Please input something: " STH
#echo # 不echo一个空行,页面布局会变乱
echo "Your input is: $STH"
> sh /tmp/a.sh
Please input something: Your input is: Liemer_lius # 两行合并,没有另起一行
stty -echo
read -p "Please input STH: " STH
echo "You have input ${STH}"
stty echo
$ sh lius.sh
Please input STH: # 输入内容隐藏了
You have input helldldlddl